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Mother Tongue
The Preservation of Jewish Languages and Cultures in memory of Hayyim (Marani) Trabelsy
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Songs and Piyyutim
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Avigail Burgauker
Bar mitzva, wedding and bereavement customs
Making Aliya
Shabbat and holidays
Aharon Moses
Brit mila
Diseases and hospitalization
Location of neighbourhoods by religion
Midwife and medicinal herbs for a woman in confinement
My mother and house work
Oath and ascent to the tomb of Namia Motta (Rabbi Nehemiah ben Avraham)
Of snakes and catching a cobra
Stance towards the caste system in India
Staying in Ernakulam
The man who waited for the messiah
Trip to Paravur to order boats
Rabbi ʾAvraham Ḥai ʿEzra
"Faith of the People" - Piyyut for Passover
About Night of Ruin Day
Alas, Fire Came Down
Alas, Great Lament
Angles Stopped Singing
Blessed Be the Lord
Blessed Be Your Honour (piyyut for Shavuot)
Book of Ruth
By the Rivers of Babylon
Carry Lament
Come My Friend to My Heaven
Crown Me Lord
Do Like They Do
Every Year Lament
Expelled from the House of Pleasures
Fire Shall Burn in My Heart
From God's Mouth
Gates of Flaming Gems
Glorious King
God in the Heavens
God's Voice will Create
God, Remember What We Had
Great and Terrible God
Great, Gigantic, Ginormous God
Holy Congregation
House of God
How Much Longer Lord
How My Home was Robbed
How the city sits solitary
I am Asleep
I am Your Lord (piyyut for Shavuot)
I Heard the Daughter of Zion
I will Thank the Lord Everyday
Israel Captured Me
Israel Shall Sing a Pleasant Song
Keep My Heart Safe
Lifted and High
Live Live Dove
Mountains shall Melt Like Beeswax (piyyut for Shavuot)
My Lord, My Lord, Why Have You Forsaken Me
My People, Mourn the Destruction of the Temples
My Spirit, My Lord
No One is Like You Our Lord
Open My Mouth to Thank
Our Sins Destroyed the Temple and How Far Cry
Over This Our Heart Aches
Please God
Praise Thy Name
Raise Your Hand My Lord
Read in Song
Redemption Day
Rejoice Israel
Remember God for the Sake of Juda and ʾEphraim
Send to the Sick
Shallow Land is Risen
Sing in Organ Voice
Song Anew
Sound of Mourning You Shall Weep
Tan as the Sun (piyyut for Passover)
Thank My Desired Heart
Thank the Lord
The Fallen Will Rise
The Fifth Month
The Great and Terrible God
The One in the Rock and the Burning Bush
The World Rumbled
This is My Lord
This Night We Weep
Three Times your Holiness (piyyut for Passover)
Tired of Weeping
Tora and Commandments (piyyut for Shavuot)
Tora is this Day
Wake, My Heart Wake
We Need the Lord Everyday
Who is Like You God of Israel
Who Shall I Cry To?
You Redeemed
You Shall Console in Exile
Aharon Moses
Brit mila
Diseases and hospitalization
Location of neighbourhoods by religion
Midwife and medicinal herbs for a woman in confinement
My mother and house work
Oath and ascent to the tomb of Namia Motta (Rabbi Nehemiah ben Avraham)
Of snakes and catching a cobra
Stance towards the caste system in India
Staying in Ernakulam
The man who waited for the messiah
Trip to Paravur to order boats
Bat ʾAsher ʾEliyahu
Family livelihood and occupation of women
House workers
Matchmaking and marriage
Names of family members
Ruthy Elias
Ruthy ʾEliʾas
Community life among the extended family
Family business : exporting coconut to the Netherlands
Pregnancy, birth and medical care
Sets of clothing during the holidays
Avigail Burgauker
Bar mitzva, wedding and bereavement customs
Making Aliya
Shabbat and holidays
Tsipora Daniel
Hope for Zion
Aharon Moses
Brit mila
Diseases and hospitalization
Location of neighbourhoods by religion
Midwife and medicinal herbs for a woman in confinement
My mother and house work
Oath and ascent to the tomb of Namia Motta (Rabbi Nehemiah ben Avraham)
Of snakes and catching a cobra
Stance towards the caste system in India
Staying in Ernakulam
The man who waited for the messiah
Trip to Paravur to order boats
Elizabeth Solomon
Wedding ceremonies
Sara ʾEliʾas
Childhood in India
Place of birth and life path
ʾAaron Sharma
Adhering to kosher and learning Hebrew prayers
Meat consumption during the holidays
Tension within the family: between Judaism and Hinduism
The family's Aliya to Israel
The variety of languages spoken at home
Contact us
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Yehudit Henshke, Mother Tongue: The Preservation of Jewish Languages and Cultures in Memory of Hayyim (Marani) Trabelsy
[email protected]