03/03/2022 - 12:01 |
21/03/2024 - 21:02 |
Reciting children's hand game |
Ḥanna Megides |
Tunisia |
09/08/2021 - 01:08 |
21/03/2024 - 20:57 |
Rosh Ḥodesh and Jewish holidays |
Dina ʾElkayam |
Morocco |
09/08/2021 - 01:02 |
21/03/2024 - 20:56 |
Daily life |
Dina ʾElkayam |
Morocco |
09/08/2021 - 01:09 |
21/03/2024 - 20:56 |
Education and acquiring a profession |
Dina ʾElkayam |
Morocco |
09/08/2021 - 01:04 |
21/03/2024 - 20:55 |
Engagement and wedding |
Dina ʾElkayam |
Morocco |
09/08/2021 - 01:03 |
21/03/2024 - 20:55 |
Bar mitzva |
Dina ʾElkayam |
Morocco |
09/08/2021 - 01:01 |
21/03/2024 - 20:54 |
Pregnancy, birth, brit mila and zeved habat (naming the girl ceremony) |
Dina ʾElkayam |
Morocco |
16/11/2021 - 21:42 |
21/03/2024 - 20:50 |
Family and life in Shfeya |
ʾAviva Qesar |
Yemen |
16/11/2021 - 21:22 |
21/03/2024 - 20:50 |
Orphanhood and the journey to ʿAden |
ʾAviva Qesar |
Yemen |
16/11/2021 - 20:25 |
21/03/2024 - 20:48 |
Reading the Tora in Sanaʽa and Dhamar tradition |
Israʾel Qesar |
Yemen |