Our life together

Name of speaker: 
Yosef Buḥbut
Participants in the conversation: 
Sima Buḥbut
Gender of speaker: 
Occupation of speaker: 
Farmer and employee at the Municipality of Petaḥ Tikva
Age of speaker at time of recording: 
Year of immigration: 
Speaker's country of origin: 
Speaker's community of origin: 
Conversation topics: 
Yaʿel Wecsler
Year of recording: 
Sima Buḥbut


I worked and lived in the moshav. I milked cows and gave food to the chickens because father was working. I took care of the chores at home and the farm. I was a compactor worker. I used to work on a ramp that tightens the tar on the road. The rest of the town hall’s workers were old, I was the youngest. I bought a property here in moshav Nofekh because I used to live with my father in moshav Rinatya. I bought one room, and my wife and I built the whole house. She helped me. Thank God.

Sima: When your mother was alive, when did she get sick? How old were you?

Yosef: I was 12 or 13 years old, right?

Sima: She did a bar mitzva for you. Raphaʾel your brother was younger than you.

Yosef: I was the eldest.

Sima: What did she have?

Yosef: She had cancer.

Sima: How long was she sick?

Yosef: About a year.

Sima: What did you do? When your mother passed away, you rode a bicycle to Lod to see your family! And what happened on the way?

Yosef: An accident!

Sima: What accident? You were hit by a truck?

Yosef: I got hit by a truck at the airport’s road.

Sima: Were you seriously injured? What hospital were you at?

Yosef: In Tel Hashomer.

Sima: How long were you in the hospital?

Yosef: Two months. I was like a drunk.

Sima: Did you hit your head? How did you feel when you woke up?

Yosef: I didn’t remember anything. I saw myself in a hospital asking, "What happened?"

Sima: Did your friends come to see you when you came back from the hospital? How long did it take you to come back to yourself? What did you do?

Yosef: I helped my father feed the cows and the chickens, and we had a loyal and excellent horse. After the accident I received compensation and bought a room in the village.

Sima: Who introduced you to me?

Yosef: My aunt set us up.

Sima: What did she tell you?

Yosef: Good family and good girl, she only stutters a little.

Sima: He came to ask me and I told him "I stutter, are you ready to accept me with the stutter? Come in. If not - go away and I do not want to know anything about you. Go and that's it." He replied, "I don’t need you to speak like they do in the Knesset (parliament)." Within two weeks we got married and moved to Safed.