After a year they married me. They married me and I went to the Negev, I spend seven years in the Negev. After seven years, the moshav was not good, so we came and stayed in Binyamina. Now I am in Binyamina.
I used to go to a woman that would tell us stories, and we would stay with her. Her husband used to go to the synagogue, and my husband’s father also used to go to the synagogue. My husband’s father told him “We want a good girl for my son”, he told him “Come, there are a lot of girls, take one!”. He came, and said “I want that one”. After one year we got married. Not in a grand style, but… they made it in the tent, they made food, and the wine, and a Rabbi came in the synagogue. He blessed us with the seven blessings in the synagogue and we came to the tent. We had the wedding, they made a good wedding, and that was it.
I didn’t work, I stayed at home, my husband, my children and I.
Good, but the moshav was not good. There were no crops, there was no agriculture, there was nothing… my husband was working with goats, there was nothing in the moshav, total wilderness. Houses, houses like in other places and that was all, it couldn’t be called a moshav.
qʕadna ʕām hnǟya, baʕd ʕām zəwwzū-ni. Zəwwzūni mšēt lə-n-HENegevHE, qʕačč sebʕa snīn fi n-HENegevHE. baʕd sebʕa snīn əḷ-HEmušav ayaHE mūš bāhi, HEazHE žēna u-skənna fi HEBinyaminaHE. Čəwwa āna fi HEBinyaminaHE.
Āna kənt nəmši l-wāḥda čqūl-ən-na xʁāfāč, w-HEanaxnuHE nqaʕdu mʕā-ha, u-ʁāžəl-ha yemši lə-ṣ-ṣla, u-bu ʁāžl-i, ḥačča ūwa yemši lə-ṣ-ṣla. Bu ʁāžl-i qāl-l-u nḥabb bənč bāhya l-wəld-i, qāl-l-u čʕāla, čəmma bnāč bə-zāyd, xūd. Ūwa čʕadda, u-qāl nḥabb ādīka. baʕd ʕām dzawwezna. Mūš kīf əl-HEʕawlam, avalHE ʕamlu fi l-HEqetonHE, ʕamlu l-mākla, u-š-šʁāb, u-ža ʁəbbi fi ṣ-ṣla, u-bāʁək-na sebʕa HEbʁaxiyotHE fi ṣ-ṣla, u-žīna l-HEqetonHE, ʕməlna l-ʕərs, ʕamlu ʕərs bāhi, u-HEze uHE.
Ma-xdəmč-š, qʕačč fi l-ḥōš, āna u-zġāʁ-i u-ʁāžl-i.
Bāyīn, HEaval mušavHE mūš bāhi. Mā-fī-š ġəlla, mā-fī-š zriʕa mā-fī-š, HEšum davarHE… ʁāžl-i kān yaxdəm mʕaz. mā-čəmma šey fi l-HEmušavHE, xla maxli, ḥyāš ḥyāš HEkmoHE fi l-mkānāč əč-čānyīn u-HEze a-kollHE, ma… HElo neqʁa mošavHE.