The recording took place at the Babylonian Jewry Heritage Center in Or Yehuda

I’ll tell you a joke.
I come to this man who had a phone and asked him: “How do I get to…” and he said: “Take a taxi”.
I am from Baghdad. I am not used to take taxies and I have 20 Dinars with me. The cucumbers are this big, and we buy 5-10 kilos in Baghdad.
I came to him after 1967. The moment he opened the door I saw he had a Star of David on his neck. He told me: "I was like that in Manchester, this is my girlfriend".
He asked me: “What would you like to drink?”
I said: "Tea"
He brought me a glass of water with hanging tea bag in a glass.
I asked him: “What is this?”
He told me: “It’s called tea bag…”