
Community traditions

Name of speaker: 
Itsik Gindi
Gender of speaker: 
Occupation of speaker: 
Standing army
Age of speaker at time of recording: 
Year of immigration: 
Speaker's country of origin: 
Speaker's community of origin: 
Conversation topics: 
Netanʾel Goretzki
Year of recording: 
Netanʾel Goretzki


1. ṭayyeb..ʾismi ʔisḥāq. 2.ʾana xleʾət fi Sūrya. fi balad ʾisma.. fī balad ʾisma Ḥalab. 3.ʾana yahūdi. 4.ʿumri tnən wu ʾarbaʿīn sane. 5.kint ʾatʿallam hōwnīk fi madrase yahūdiyye. 6.ʾabi kān ʿando maṣnaʿ hōwnīk. maṣnaʿ.. bibīʿ.. kolōnya wu marham la-lʾīdēn. mətl EPnina RosenblumE əl-yōm. wu ʾəmmi kānat fil-bēt ma təštəġel bass itrabbīna. 7.bass.. ʾəmmi.. ma kānat ḍḍall-kil yōm fil-bēt, trūḥ kil yōm tətsaẉẉaʾ fi sūʾ tištri ġrāḍ tištri ʾakel tištri dahab. yiruḥú yilʿabu Komkān. Komkān yaʿni HRemiH.. maʿ ṣḥāḅa. yaʿnī ʿīše mnīḥa wu əlḥamdəlla yaʿni kin(n)a ʿayšin imniḥ ktīr min naḥye madiyye. [1:05]. [1:37] 8. kinna nrūḥ kil yōm ʾabəl ma niṭlaʿ.. la-lmadrase. 9. kint ʾarūʿ ʿal- fərən ʾažīb əl-xəbəz ṭāẓa wu la-ʾənno əl-faṛṛān kan biʿaref ʾabūyy fa kān ma yixallini ʾastanna fi ddōr. kint... ʾāxod əl-xəbəz ṭāẓa wu ʾamši ʿal-bēt. 10. wu ʾažīb kamān ʾakle Maʾmūniyye ʾisma Maʾmūniyye yaʿnī ʾakle biʿamlūha maʿa HsōletH ʾisma Maʾmūniyye wu biḥoṭṭo ʿalēha fistuʾ Ḥalabi wu hād əl-fṭār tabaʿna.. lfṭūr. 11. fa ḅaḅā kan kil

The imprisonment of men by Saddam Ḥussein

In memory of my parents, Victoria and Mʾeir ʿAbeda

The recording took place at the Babylonian Jewry Heritage Center      

Name of speaker: 
Lydia Sasson (ʿAbeda)
Participants in the conversation: 
Yvette Eliyahu (Levi)
Gender of speaker: 
Occupation of speaker: 
Biology teacher
Age of speaker at time of recording: 
Speaker's country of origin: 
Speaker's community of origin: 
Conversation topics: 
Lilach Rocker
Year of recording: 

Lullabies for children

In memory of my sister Janet and my mother Najia Rabiʿa, Z"L

Name of speaker: 
Shirley Morag
Gender of speaker: 
Occupation of speaker: 
Kindergarten teacher instructor
Age of speaker at time of recording: 
Year of immigration: 
Speaker's country of origin: 
Speaker's community of origin: 
Conversation topics: 
Liron Leibo
Year of recording: 

They were hanged in Taḥrir Square

Name of speaker: 
Tsvi Bar-Moshe and Asʾad Muʿalem
Participants in the conversation: 
Luiz Ben-Eliyahu and ʿAmal Bar-Moshe
Gender of speaker: 
Occupation of speaker: 
Tsvi - chemical engineer; Asʾad - veterinarian
Age of speaker at time of recording: 
Speaker's country of origin: 
Speaker's community of origin: 
Conversation topics: 
Dr. Assaf Bar-Moshe
Year of recording: 


A: So they were not (involved) in… smuggling… the people

B: They didn't take money. They (just) assisted.

A: They assisted, yes

B: Yes. Anyone who wanted… they arranged a way (out) for him.

A: It's a pity that they were caught. It's a pity that they were caught.

B: Yes. That (smuggling from) Baṣġa was a disaster. A: How terrible was Baṣġa and its 

B: I… I knew more or less all these boys. I used to go to my sister Widād. She was married (and lived) there. I used to go. They were all my age

A: Oh no! B: All of them were the same… age of mine. So

A: The one that they killed by hanging, a boy, they said (he was) 16 years old

B: This… Dawūd Ġāli, 1 Refers to Iraqi Jews that cooperated with the Jewish Agency and assisted Jews in being smuggled out of Iraq through the Iranian border. 2 Refers to 9 Jewish boys that were caught while trying to escape out of Iraq and were hung in Baghdad on January 27th 1969. (was) our neighbor. The other Dawūd, he…

.A: How many boys did they kill by hanging in Baṣġa? From the boys, They said that only one boy

C: No! How come only one boy? B: No! How come one? Six (or) seven. A: From the… from the Jews

B: Six (or) seve… Yes! C: Yes! What (did you think) then

B: Six (or) seven. (coffee is brought to the participants

D: This coffee didn't turn out good. You confused us with the talking and it boiled

C: What's that? D: The coffee. (back to the subject

A: (Just) a second! B: They had killed six (or) seven by hangin

A: Jews

B: Jews. They were eleven. Eleven (who were) hung at the same day. and I, I got out of the… at night we heard the… They said they are killing them by hanging. A: How terrible is !that /B: There was… a trial. Ok, I had… I had (to go to) my college. We lived in Masbaḥ, I had to go to Bāb ᵊl-Mˁad̠̟d̠̟am 

A: I… (but) We are talking about Baṣġa. B: They hung them in Baghdad, In Sāḥǝt ᵊl-Taḥrīr

A: They brought Nāǧi Zǝlxa to Baghdad? B: They hung all of them in Sāḥǝt ᵊl-Taḥrīr. (Did you think) Otherwise

C: Yes. (Did you think) Otherwise? All of them. A: Not in Baṣġa? B: Which Baṣġa? (Rhetorically

C: No! A: Oh I wish their heads would come off! Oh let their name be erased 

C: All of them in Baghdad. B: So I took one of these service taxis. I got out of the house I took a service taxi, (and) went to the college. I didn't know! How could I know? I saw that the streets look different. The people are troubled and so on. I got till Sāhǝt ᵊt-Taḥrīr. And I saw them hung in front of me

A: Oh no! (Literally: grief

B: Ok. I wouldn't go to the college anymore. (Rhetorically: who will go to the college anymore?) (Said to the taxi driver:) please let me get down! I got off, I made a turn from Sāhǝt ᵊt-Taḥrīr, (and) I went through Nid̠̟āl street, not through Saˁadūn street. I walked on Nid̠̟āl street and I went back, I went to Xālda's at the time.

Translation is provided by courtesy of Dr. Assaf Bar-Moshe

Cup of tea in London

 The recording took place at the Babylonian Jewry Heritage Center in Or Yehuda


Name of speaker: 
David Khedher Basson
Gender of speaker: 
Occupation of speaker: 
Age of speaker at time of recording: 
Year of immigration: 
Speaker's country of origin: 
Speaker's community of origin: 
Conversation topics: 
Yehudit Henshke
Year of recording: 


I’ll tell you a joke.

I come to this man who had a phone and asked him: “How do I get to…” and he said: “Take a taxi”.

I am from Baghdad. I am not used to take taxies and I have 20 Dinars with me. The cucumbers are this big, and we buy 5-10 kilos in Baghdad.

I came to him after 1967. The moment he opened the door I saw he had a Star of David on his neck. He told me: "I was like that in Manchester, this is my girlfriend".

He asked me: “What would you like to drink?”

I said: "Tea"

He brought me a glass of water with hanging tea bag in a glass.

I asked him: “What is this?”

He told me: “It’s called tea bag…”

Iraqi ḥenna

In memory of my sister Janet and my mother Najia Rabiʿa, Z"L

Name of speaker: 
Shirley Morag
Gender of speaker: 
Occupation of speaker: 
Kindergarten teacher instructor
Age of speaker at time of recording: 
Year of immigration: 
Speaker's country of origin: 
Speaker's community of origin: 
Conversation topics: 
Liron Leibo
Year of recording: 

Ha Laḥma ʿAnya and Passover preparations

Name of speaker: 
Naḥum Bosmi (Atʾar)
Gender of speaker: 
Occupation of speaker: 
Former Head of Human Resources of the Israel Police
Age of speaker at time of recording: 
Year of immigration: 
Speaker's country of origin: 
Speaker's community of origin: 
Yehudit Henshke and Uri Giron
Year of recording: 

Community and Farhud

In memory of my parents, Victoria and Mʾeir ʿAbeda

The recording took place at the Babylonian Jewry Heritage Center      

Name of speaker: 
Lydia Sasson (ʿAbeda)
Participants in the conversation: 
Yvette Eliyahu (Levi)
Gender of speaker: 
Occupation of speaker: 
Biology teacher
Age of speaker at time of recording: 
Speaker's country of origin: 
Speaker's community of origin: 
Conversation topics: 
Lilach Rocker
Year of recording: 

The Farhud

In memory of my sister Janet and my mother Najia Rabiʿa, Z"L

Name of speaker: 
Shirley Morag
Gender of speaker: 
Occupation of speaker: 
Kindergarten teacher instructor
Age of speaker at time of recording: 
Year of immigration: 
Speaker's country of origin: 
Speaker's community of origin: 
Conversation topics: 
Liron Leibo
Year of recording: